How to Protect Your Property from Vandalism and Malicious Mischief

When leaving a property vacant for an extended period of time, there are certain types of property damage that your home might be vulnerable to. You may not be present to notice that your pipes have burst, so the damage is more substantial than if someone had been living in the home and caught the problem right away. Something else that your vacant property is vulnerable to is damage caused by vandalism and malicious mischief.
Both vandalism and malicious mischief are much more likely to happen to a property when it is left empty, without someone present to safeguard your home. It’s crucial that you take steps to safeguard your vacant property from these issues. This could include physical safeguards as well as the proper insurance coverage. Read on as we discuss the difference between vandalism and malicious mischief and how to protect your home from both of them.
Difference Between Vandalism and Malicious Mischief
Vandalism and malicious mischief are often classified together, but there is a distinct difference between the two. Read on to learn how to distinguish them from each other!
What is vandalism?
Vandalism is intentional damage to someone else’s property to cause destruction.
What is malicious mischief?
Malicious mischief is willful and malicious damage to someone else’s property that is caused by spite or hatred.
What is the difference between vandalism and malicious mischief?
The difference between vandalism and malicious mischief has to do with the intent behind them. Malicious mischief comes from malice or hatred and is done intentionally to someone out of anger or spite, while vandalism may not come from poor feelings toward someone – it could just be out of boredom.

The importance of insurance for intentional damage to your personal property
Vandalism and malicious mischief can cost you anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars in damage. You are at a greater risk if your property is left vacant, and many homeowner’s policies don’t offer coverage if your home is left vacant for 30 to 60 days.
If you plan to leave your home vacant, you’ll want to ensure that you are protected from issues such as these. Take steps to protect your property, such as installing an alarm and new locks, and be sure that you have the proper type of property insurance coverage. Specialized vacant insurance coverage will give you peace of mind when it comes to your property.
Vandalism and malicious mischief insurance policies
An insurance policy that covers vandalism and malicious mischief includes any willful and malicious damage to or destruction of the property. It should also cover building damage caused by the breaking in or exiting of burglars. Vacant Express includes vandalism and malicious mischief as a basic cause of loss, and it is included in the policy premium.
Factors that can affect vandalism and malicious mischief insurance costs
There are certain factors that can affect the cost of insurance for vandalism and malicious mischief. This includes any building safeguards that are in place, such as a Central Station Alarm and secured monitoring capabilities. The security of the building and the security of its doors also impacts the cost of the policy. Finally, the crime statistics in the area of the property location will also play a role in the cost of insurance.
Tips to prevent vandalism and malicious mischief to your personal property
When it comes to preventing vandalism and malicious mischief, there are some steps you can take to lower your risk of becoming a target. Read on for some tips on how to protect your vacant property.
Be familiar with what your insurance policy says. Be sure to read the parts of the policy that discuss Theft, Vandalism, and Burglary and know what is covered and what is not. Be sure to ask questions of your agent if you come across something you don’t understand.
Make your property appear lived in. Park a spare car in your driveway, have someone pick up any mail, and keep up with the gardening and lawn care. If your property looks lived in, it is less likely to become a target for vandalism.
Set up security. Have a burglar alarm in place, add special lighting, and reinforce doors and entrances to the property.
Monitor vacant properties closely. You should regularly drive by and inspect the property to make sure everything is okay.
Get help from neighbors. Ask your neighbors to call the police if they see any suspicious activity on your property.
Are vandalism and theft the same thing?
No, vandalism and theft are not the same thing. Theft involves the taking of your personal property, while vandalism is the destruction of that property.
Do I need additional insurance coverage for vandalism and malicious mischief damages if I already have homeowner’s insurance?
You may need additional coverage if you plan to leave your property vacant for an extended period of time (30 to 60 days). A standard homeowner’s policy won’t offer full coverage for your property if it is left vacant, as this increases the risk of vandalism and malicious mischief.
What types of losses are excluded from vandalism and malicious mischief insurance?
There are some losses that are excluded from vandalism and malicious mischief insurance. For Vacant Express, the following are excluded:
- Intentional or dishonest acts by family or household members
- Damage caused by ordinance or law – enforcement of compliance action
- War or Military action
How do I file a vandalism or malicious mischief insurance claim on my Vacant Express policy?
Contact details and process to submit a claim are contained within the policy pack and listed on our website.